2017 Trapping Information


Feel free to call me at 919-853-6918 if you have any trapping services needed. Beaver removal, Muskrat, fox, coyote, ground hog.



2016 Trapping

2015 Tournament Information

2014 Trapping Pictures

If you need removal of any beavers, coyotes, foxes, nutria, raccoon and those dreaded skunks, Just let me know. Be glad to give you an assessment. Chuck

2014 Tournament Wins

2013 Deer Kills

Has a great 2013-2014 Deer season. Only two big bucks but plenty of action. Got some coyotes to. They are my favorite. My nephew Jay Wright got the big 10 point. WTG Jay!

2013 Tournament Information

Won bass fishing tournaments on all area lake this 2013 season. Officially retired from public work on 1/31/2014, so I am ready to take you out and help you win tournaments or just have a fun day.